When you plan to sell your car, you can do it in two ways: either sell it directly to the buyer, or sell it to a professional car dealer. Let us see what are the pros and cons of each.
Selling your car directly to a buyer:
- You get a great return on investment.
- Older car models have a stronger chance of being sold privately.
- Trading with a direct buyer will require more time, effort and hassle.
- Looking for a buyer is very time consuming. The total process can take about six to eight weeks.
- You’ll have to create advertisements and post them on different websites and monitor the responses.
- You’ll have to do all the paperwork yourself.
- Selling your car personally involves more risks of dealing with frauds.
Selling your car to a professional:
- Selling your car to a dealer gives you the advantage of getting it sold quickly, thus getting the money in your hands much faster.
- When you sell your car to a dealer, they are the ones who handle all the paper work.
- The only drawback that you get from selling your car to a dealer is that you sell it at a comparatively lesser amount of money. But if you think about the time and money you
are spending to put up advertisements, and do all the paperwork, selling your car to a dealer saves you from a lot of hassle. If you think that your car is in a good condition, you can sell it to us at Underwood Wrecking, Brisbane.